Established: 1970 (Over 50yrs now)
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Scan 35mm Slides -Up to 4000ppi
Scanning Slides -
Professional "NIKON", "PLUSTEK" & "SLIDESNAP" Scanners.
Yes we do calibrate our workflow using IT8 targets.
* Note the default scanners we use are Nikon 5000ED Super Coolscan if
you wish to use one of our other scanners we must be advised prior
to starting the work please discuss this with us in our conversation.
"Nikon, Plustek & PowerSlide"
35mm Slide Scanning Prices -
Our Nikon & Plustek scanners will remove dust and scratches from
Kodachrome slides most other scanners will only remove dust and
scratches from Generic slides.
Nikon Super CoolScan 5000ED have always had the best version of
digital Ice and is not matched by any other scanner brand.
A short demonstration of this will prove this to you -
Ask us and see for yourself.
Per slide =
All 2" Cardboard Mounted Slides Per Image
Final Scan resolution to be arranged to suit your project.
1- 10 Slides up to 4000ppi = $5.00ea
11-500 " " 4000ppi = $1.80ea
501-800 " " 4000ppi = $1.70ea
801-999 " " 4000ppi = $1.50ea
1000+ " " 4000ppi = Contact us.
* Minimum charge = $40.00
* Saved as JPEG files (Other formats available)
* Auto cropping, No manual adjustments.
* Auto Optimisation only if required.
*32gb Flash Drive supplied by us = $13.00
*Write files to Flash drive supplied by you = $10.00
*Yes we can print photos from the slide scans.
6x4 = $1.20 ea
7x5 = $1.95 ea
Includes Digital Ice , Auto Infrared dust & scratch removal
* Note - Scanning with "Auto Infrared dust and scratch
removal" is only available on high end dedicated slide
scanners and some high end flatbed scanners.
* This is an amazing feature that automatically removes all
or at least most of the scratches and spots and is even
good at removing signs of mould.
Roll Film - Strips or Rolls
35mm Roll film Frames $2.25 per frame up to 3000ppi.
(Minimum 4 -6 frames per length)
* Please note - 35mm, 126 and 120 format negative are in strips and
or rolls and contain multiple frames. Each frame is an individual image
and therefore is an individual scan. Pricing for negatives supplied in
strips and/or rolls is "Per Frame" and "Not" per strip.
All frames in the roll or strip will be scanned.
Scanning individually selected frames will attract a 50% surcharge.
35mm Scanning Prices -
* This scanner takes a high resolution photo of each slide.
* Will take slides already in Kodak Carousels
* Contact us for pricing
Auto Cropping, No Rotation, No manual adjustments, No digital Ice.
Auto Optimisation if required.
* Minimum Charge per project = $30.00
*Burn files to Data CD or DVD media disc. = $10.50c per disc.
(Includes disc & slim jewel case)
*32gb Flash Drive supplied by us = $15.00
*Write files to Flash drive supplied by you = $10.00
Scanning = $2.25 per slide.
* Minimum Charge per project = $35.00
APS Cartridges -
Full Cartridge =$3.35 per frame (Not selected frames)
Minimum Charge per project = $40.00.
*Burn files to USB flash drive = $10.00c per drive.
*16gb Flash Drive supplied by us = $13.00
*Write files to Flash drive supplied by you = $10.00
* Unless otherwise stated -
Each slide will be dusted, cropped and manually adjusted by
our expert technician to obtain the best possible image.
Images are saved as .jpg files
We can save to other formats if required. (Extra costs may apply)
* Yes we do use "Kodak Digital Ice" infrared scanning to remove minor spots and mould.
* Note - We dust but do not clean slides of mould or other marks, please make sure your
slides are as clean as possible. (Please feel free to ask us for directions about this).
* If you would like your slides to appear in a particular order please pre-arrange
and number your slides in the order you want, they can then be placed in the
machine in that order.
Our software will number each file as it is scanned.
Want a Video Slideshow -
For Slide Shows complete with music = $ (See slideshow package prices
Note all prices are are subject to change without prior notice.
* Note - The above prices are to be taken as a guide only and do not in any way constitute a quotation
Please contact us for pricing or phone: 07 576-4158 Tauranga.
"We Save Precious Memories"