Established: 1970
Telecine Services >
Real Time Frame by Frame Scanning
8mm Movie Film To Digital on USB or DVD
* Silent or sound
(Home Movies to Digital - USB or DVD)
We do not use cheap transfer machines like the Kodak Reelz,
Wolverine or similar.
We do not use mirrors and an old camera or any other
outdated method.
We do not use old projectors that have been converted
to act as stop motion Frame by Frame scanners.
We use only the latest professional TVT Cine Film
real time frame by frame Scanners built for us by
Tobin Cinema Systems in the USA who have been
manufacturing these and others for over 40 years
and now using their latest in technology to
transfer your precious 8mm Cine film to a digital
format with or without sound tracks.
* Cleaning - We use "FilmGuard" The #1 film cleaning solution worldwide
not only cleans but also lubricates, protects and restores all gauges of film.
Safe for use on all types of film stocks and even magnetic sound tracks,
this patented solution is non toxic and requires no type of special ventilation
for usage and used by projectionists worldwide.
1.* Professional film transfers
Using our professional Tobin TVT machines.
Pricing of silent Film to file on USB (MP4)
* Or - Film with sound track
* We have four professionally built Telecine that will transfer
your Super 8mm film -- with sound in perfect sync.
* We do not need to make up separate files and add them
to your film then try and sync them properly later.
* Note - Yes we can add sound and voice overs to your film.
* All our film transfers are added to our professional
editor then scrubbed through and edited to remove any
obvious blank spots or bad frames that are not viewable.
Any further editing you want done can be done with you
in our studio at an extra cost.
* We have many years' experience in film editing *
* Note - Due to the varying condition of old film (60-70 yrs old)
we can no longer offer a one price fits all for film transfers.
We will now offer competitive prices for all film restoration and
transfers on case by case basis.
* Please contact us and bring or send your film to us for a discussion
and more accurate pricing.
* Minimum charge $100.00
* Our machines have accurate electronic footage counters.
* You Pay only for the footage transferred and not full
price for reels that are only part full.
4" Reel = (100ft)
5" Reel = (200ft)
6" Reel = (300ft)
7" Reel = (400ft)
( Only have 3" Reels ? )
If you have a number of 3" reels it is more
efficient to splice all of your small reels together
onto larger reels.
This is more effective, will produce better files if
you want to edit your own film.
*Included =
No Set up Fee
Professional Cleaning of the film.
New Leaders (If required)
Minor Editing of blanks etc.
* Extra costs that may affect the pricing -
(May not be found until we start cleaning the film etc.)
Broken or faulty splices= $5.00 ea (includes labour)
New Imported 400ft Plastic Reels = $28.75 ea
New Imported 200ft Plastic Reels = $17.25 ea
Editing & Colour grading
Sound tracks if any 0.20cents per foot.
Voice over - Talk to us.
Splicing of 3" reels onto larger reels if required.
Freight & Packaging not included.
For further information on pricing of all reel sizes or
Editing please contact us direct.
* All of our transfers and editing are done in-House we do
not send away to the South Island, Australia or Asia.
Using our "Professional" film scanners we transfer old
home movies, 8mm Regular and Super 8mm, USB Drive,
the process used does not harm the film or reels they will all be
returned to you in the same or better condition.
* Under normal conditions we strive for a turnaround of
7 - 15 working days.
* Urgent jobs (under 7 working days) may attract a
surcharge of 20%.
* Extra USB Flash drives can be supplied.
* Note - The above prices for all transfers are to be taken
as a guide only and do not in any way constitute a quotation
- we will confirm the above prices after we view the film as
some film today is suffering with old age.
If you require a price estimate you will need to bring
or send your film to us to estimate the footage etc.
Please contact us for pricing or phone :07 576-4158 Tauranga.
"We Save Precious Memories"